New Gods Yang Jian 1 English Subtitle

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Watch New Gods Yang Jian (Xin shen bang: Yang Jian) Chinese anime | Donghua

Movie – Multiple Sub

New Gods Yang Jian is a Chinese 3D animated fantasy action film directed by Zhao Ji and written by Mu Chuan. The film based on the character of Yang Jian from the Ming dynasty novel Investiture of the Gods, and released on August 19, 2022.

The film’s distribution rights in North America bought by GKIDS who also produced an English dub of the film. The GKIDS version released on January 20, 2023.



Thirteen years after Yang Jian imprisoned his sister beneath a mountain, the once-powerful god now scrapes by as a penniless bounty hunter. When a mysterious woman hires him for a new job, Yang soon finds himself chasing down a familiar figure. He must stop Chenxiang, his long-lost nephew, who’s searching for the magical lotus lantern that will free his mother — even if it brings catastrophe.


IMDB (New Gods Yang Jian)
Original title: Xin shen bang: Yang Jian
TV Series 2023


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