The Demon Hunter Episode 14 Multi sub

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Watch The Demon Hunter (Cang Yuan Tu) Chinese anime | Donghua

Season 1 – Episode 14 Multiple sub


In this CG Animation series The Demon Hunter; Meng Chuan witnessed his mother killed before his eyes, so he trained very hard hoping to one day avenge her death. But his peaceful days broken as his wedding engagement called off, an invasion by foreign forces, the sanctuary fallen into enemy hands… In order to protect the people of Ning City, he picked up his sword and vowed to be the strongest. 

This is a heavy responsibility and a long journey. He was an expert swordsman, a man who had fought in the Great War. He would not be defeated easily by a human. In the end, his strength and courage were enough to defeat the invaders, who were defeated by his own people.




TVDB (The Demon Hunter)
Original title: Cang Yuan Tu
TV Series 2023


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