The Westward Season 5 Episode 29 Multi Sub

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Watch The Westward (Xi Xing Ji) Chinese anime | Donghua

Season 5 – Episode 29 Multiple sub

In this animation series The Westward”, the heavenly beings became increasingly worried about the missing Sutra, they realized that they needed to take action to protect it. They knew that the Sutra held immense power and knowledge, and they could not risk it falling into the wrong hands. Thus, they devised a plan to ensure its safe return to the heavens. This plan involved the deployment of their mighty army to search for the Sutra and bring it back to its rightful place. 

The heavens understood the dangers that lay ahead for their army on this epic journey. They were aware of the countless obstacles and adversaries that would stand in the way of retrieving the Sutra. However, they were determined to see their mission through, as the stakes were higher than ever before.

The heavenly army embarked on their quest with a hidden agenda, knowing that they had to be discreet in their pursuit of the Sutra. They understood that they could not afford to draw attention to their true intentions, for fear of alerting those who sought to use the Sutra for their own gain. And so, the journey to the West took on a new level of complexity and intrigue, as the heavens worked tirelessly to ensure the success of their carefully orchestrated plan.





TVDB (The Westward)
Original title: Xi Xing Ji
TV Series 2023


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